Personal Narrative: My Development As A Writer

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Pages: 3

As I entered the empty classroom, I sat eagerly awaiting to see what my first college English class would bring me. In high school, English class never served as my strong point and I found myself constantly frustrated and confused as to why I never received the grade I felt I deserved. I would write essays carelessly, using the thoughts and ideas of others to support my seemingly less important thoughts and ideas about the subject. However, with this class, I made it a point to communicate my own thoughts and feelings as opposed to simply summarize the thoughts of famous writers and authors before me. My development as a college writer has been very minimal, but every bit of growth counts. Throughout the writing process, I learned that constant revisions and peer reviews could help me to advance the content and grammatical structure of my papers. …show more content…
Benefiting from the many laid-out steps that are provided throughout the semester, these guidelines helped with the organization of all my papers. In my profile essay, the interview provided guidance about how to correctly organize my paper. Moreover, utilizing the amount of time given to work on the assignment, I had the opportunity to get to know my interviewee and obtain all the details needed to incorporate into my paper. By the time having a play into my essays, having the due dates broken up really pushed me to get all my work done and not procrastinate on assignments. Upon receiving my papers back, noticing that I had mostly the same mistakes in them, such as grammar, repetition, and organization. All these errors provided evidence that I needed to continue practicing the writing process and follow it in a more precise