Personal Narrative: My Father's Sugarcandy Mountain

Words: 908
Pages: 4

The smell of antiseptics, latex, and gasoline. This is not, by any means, the scent of the infamous Sugarcandy Mountain. This is the scent of the gateway to the place beyond the clouds. This is the emergency room. The fluorescent lights reflected off of the marble tiles. I was blinded, stunned, shocked. Everything flashed before my eyes within three hours during the night of September 1st, 2013.
Just dialing 9-1-1 summoned one fire truck, two ambulances, and two police cars outside my front door. Firemen and paramedics surrounded my weak, pale-faced father. Several questions were directed to him which he responded to, in a feeble voice. Afterwards, two sturdy firemen supported my frail 50 year-old father as he wobbled from his bedroom to the ambulance outside. I snapped out of my dazed state of standing and staring. Shortly before departing to the ER, I heard something unsoundly. He vomited.
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I remember my dad tickling me with his prickly beard. I remember when he blew on my tummy to make loud fart noises in attempt to make me giggle. As I grew older, we became more distant. I never held his hand again. He never tickled me again. Fart noises were never heard again. And in my thirteen years of living, I never said these three words to him: I love you.
To this day, I still never hold his hand, nor does he tickle me or make fart noises with my stomach. Some things have not changed, but what has changed is my perception of daily life. I have never viewed life quite the same after September 1st of 2013 and now I wear eyeglasses of gratitude and mindfulness. I am extremely lucky. I am lucky to have a father. I am lucky to have a mother. I am lucky to have a family. I cannot stress enough, how lucky I am in life. To be able to have a roof over my head, clothes to keep me warm, and food to fill my stomach. Most importantly, I have people in my life who support