In the distance the rays of the sun are starting to peek from behind the mountains; the warm breeze is starting to pick up, and the clear sky is becoming visible. It is another stunning day to release energy and stomp the sandy grounds, with a 10 mile run. Every run starts the same, with dreading the challenge of running for a long distance, and for a long time. Hating the idea of running, I start at a very slow pace; all I can think about is how much longer until I can stop. Not long after the beginning of the run I begin to feel the adrenaline kicking in throughout my body, heart is raising, my steps are in rhythm with my breathing, my body is in full motion and my mind is worry free. I begin to pick up the pace, and race to the finish line. The gentle, warm, soft; touch of the breeze graces my face, and keeps me company as I reach the end of the long run. I am now on runners high, full of …show more content…
Precautions have been taken on the ground and the tower guard crew had begun to assemble for duty. Arming ourselves with protective gear, bullet proof vest, Kevlar helmet and our assigned M-4 assault rifle, we were now ready and on our way to man our towers and guard our line. As we sit and watch the line with our weapons locked and loaded, the sand storm continues to grace our faces with its harmful minerals. Wiping away dirt from our faces, licking off salty sand from our lips, and rinsing our mouths out with water continued throughout the