My identity, as stated above, is mainly what I made it to be. For example, I am a strong and officially rated chess player. Since that is not all that common, in most kids I know, that is a big part of my identity …show more content…
Other things, such as reading Harry Potter for fun, are also self-determined since it is my will to do it, and I am not being forced to read it by anybody. However, I got the "push" in a lot of what makes me myself today.
When I was younger, I got the push in activities such as chess. The push, as stated above, is when I was introduced to certain topics, but not forced upon them. I continued doing those activities and kept an interest in topics, at my own will. That is why, now, I determined it to be a part of my identity.
There are also some aspects of my identity of which both society and I determined. One aspect is being part of the National Junior Honor Society. The part that was put into place by society was the actual NJHS induction. However, without doing well in school and behavior myself, I would not have done my part and thus not be an NJHS member. Sometimes one of the two parts can be hidden, as it looks at first glance that the teachers handpick the good students for NJHS. In that instance, my part is hidden, since it does not look obvious. But, if my part were not there, that would be a whole different ball game