Certainly anyone with feet and hands of clay was subject to error even with the noblest of intentions. Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Christianity many of mighty were falling like so many dominoes. One fell and took hundreds into a cyanide oblivion under the auspices of escapism. Another plummeted multiple times into sexual immorality, claiming the devil had a special hatred of him, no one could definitely say what their issue was. Then it became obvious, it was the stigma surrounding mental issues, substance abuse, sexual addictions, gambling obsessions, all which the DSM IV easily spells out. In a nutshell, I am driven, compelled perhaps obsessed with bridging the obvious chasm between the spiritual and the clinical. We continue to lose far too many vessels in both arenas The Bible in James 2:17 that “Faith without works is dead”, multitudes in faith perish because of false pride, dogma, legalism and tradition They wilt away praying, yet refuse to attach legs to their prayers, thinking others of like same faith will accuse them of deserting the faith! The nemesis of many in the clinical ranks is having contempt prior to investigation! Most label their intellect as God and themselves not too far beneath as Demi Gods far too often. They could benefit from spiritual principles, lessons on the fragility of life, and how there is naturally and spiritually more than meets the eye or Medulla