She dolefully said, "Karthik, I must go back go to India. I don't know how long I'll be there, but your grandpa is deathly sick."
That is all she left it at and I was confused. I thought many different array of things like how could this be, and why now. I knew …show more content…
With my mother gone, I started to realize how burdensome it was to live life. I had to take on new responsibilities that I took for granted with my mother at home. Especially, it was hard during Thanksgiving. My mother makes Thanksgiving dinner every year and without her at home, my sister and dad had to cook this time. We all have absolutely no experience in cooking. When we finished cooking the dinner and we all ate as family it was probably the most horrendous and fowl meal I have had for a Thanksgiving dinner. I tried to be as grateful as possible, but without my mother's presence it was inopportune. The hardest part without living with my mother was that, I knew she was somewhere else in despair and not in the comfort of our house and family. Also, that my grandpa was struggling for his life and that he may actually not be okay. Eventually, after a few weeks my mother finally came home. My grandpa was still alive, but living life for him was a most likely strenuous and the days left in life were