Being the oldest of five children and the oldest of 18 grandchildren I was always expected to be the explain that everyone looked up to. I was pushed to take the harder classes, to do the things that I did not think I could do. And for that I am thankful. I have found that you never know what you are good at until you try, and you can always get better when you ask for help. My biggest weakness. After high school, I knew I wanted to go to college. However, without proper funding that life goal would just be a dream. But a dream I would achieve at any cost. In August of 2002, I enlisted in the United States Navy. Serving six years I quickly realized that there was so much more that I wanted to do with my life. I met and married my husband and soon after had our first child. Less 18 months later we had our 2nd. It quickly became clear that being a sailor, mother, wife and student was not going to work. Once again I put schooling on the back burner. After almost 7 years of service, I decided that it was time for me to further my education. However, life threw me two more curve balls. Child number three had made his surprise entrance. Have three children at home full time and being homeless meant once again that my goals of furthering my education would be on hold. During the time, I had separated from the military I held a job as an assistant manager and a job as a lead line fry cook. Both jobs …show more content…
This was my new life goal. To create items that not only people loved, but to create things that meant something to them, to start my own business. Something that can only be accomplished with a higher education. After completing my Bachelor's, I set out and did just that. YourOneStopHobbyShop had become a reality. Still, in its infancy, I had come to the conclusion that I wanted and needed to learn more about entrepreneurship in order to advance my business. Not only would obtaining my Master's would I be able to gain the valuable knowledge needed to advance my career. Also, it would provide a safety net. Should my business not make it off the ground I would have all this knowledge and know how to venture out into the workforce and obtain a well-paying job. A win-win