Personal Narrative: My Role Model Of Baseball

Words: 606
Pages: 3

Everyday all of my extra energy goes into baseball I play very competitively even when its only against my brothers. Every morning you’ll find me engaged on getting better. When you use all your energy towards something like baseball you are sure to excel at it, but using all your energy like that can really tax a person, and you always need time to relax. That is why another thing I excel at is games. Any game I play from board games, card games, or video games. Even if it is my first time playing the game it will only take me a couple minutes to learn it then I become very good at it.

2.Because I'm Always playing a sport or doing something that involves running and moving around the first word would be vigorous. I never seem to run out of energy until the day is over and I'm sitting in bed. The second word would most likely be persevering because once I start something anywhere from cleaning a room to learning how to throw a pitch I will finish and complete the task I set out to do. I always think winning is the only option that is why my third word that describes me is bumptious because no matter what I am doing baseball, dodgeball, or anything that you can win at I always think I will win this because I am the best.
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Even though he works a lot I feel that he still finds time to do things with the three of us kids. When I did something wrong he doesn’t let me off the hook easy that is one of the reasons I chose him as my role