Personal Narrative: My Trip To Las Vegas

Words: 444
Pages: 2

When my parents proposed a trip to Las Vegas, I thought that they were absolutely insane. What would a thirteen-year-old do there? Upon arrival, we discovered that there were many things that I could do in Vegas, including going to the Grand Canyon, located only three hours away from where we were staying. On Sunday, December 20th, we rented a car and drove to the Grand Canyon. The ride there was beyond gorgeous, but we did run into some problems on the way there. While we were driving through a very tiny town called Pearce Ferry in Arizona, we saw some very unusual signs. We have deer crossing signs here in Ohio, but in Arizona, they have sheep and cattle crossing signs. For some reason, my family and I found this hilarious, until my dad had to slam on the breaks because of a cow crossing the road right in front of us. The second problem we ran into was involving the car itself. We were about five miles from the Grand Canyon where we saw a viewing area. We pulled over to get out of the car and take a few pictures. When we were done admiring the …show more content…
It was gorgeous but also horrifying, because I had always imagined that there were fences surrounding the canyon. Also, I had always pictured it to be unbearably hot when I went to the Grand Canyon, but seeing as we went in late December, it was about 40 degrees. My mother is horrified of heights, so my dad and I decided to go as close to the edge as possible and give her a heart attack. She freaked out, but she did get some good pictures of us dangling our feet over the edge. We then decided to go on the skywalk, a transparent deck reaching about 70 feet out from the canyon’s rim, and is about 5,000 feet from the canyons bottom. As we were waiting in line to go on the horrifyingly high glass deck, I read the plaques on the wall. They were describing the Hualapai tribe, and I learned a lot about