Personal Narrative: Psychological Development, Geography, And Family

Words: 835
Pages: 4

For nine months, my mother carried me in her womb until November 18, 1997 which was the day I was born. I was a tiny, and beautiful baby, but I knew nothing except the fact that I was surrounded by those who loved, care and treated me with tenderness. I was oblivious about the world, but the second I was born, it was my job to figure out my identity. I believe that culture, psychological development, geography, and family have played a huge role in whom I have become. It has been a very extensive journey of self-discovery and actualization and my epic journey has not yet ended. To begin with, both of my parents are Cuban, and I was born in the United States. My Hispanic culture has definitely shaped me into who I am today. I am in love with music. There is nothing I enjoy more than getting up and dancing to the beat of a salsa song. I strongly believe music runs in a Cubans blood. Besides this, I also love entertainment, us Hispanics love to watch sports, novels and shows. My dad is a huge sports fan and in Cuba, sports are really important. I guess this is where my love for sports came from. Moreover, my culture is infectious with having a great time and food. We love to celebrate every upcoming birthday, anniversary, holiday and many more. This gives us an excuse to party and have a great …show more content…
My happiness, creativity, and productivity all play a part in my location. Simply put, we can be affected by the place were in. Fortunately, I live in a safe, peaceful environment and neighborhood. I know I can go outside and walk my dog without worries. Hence, this place an important role in my identity because I do not have to live in fear. I Thankfully, if I am ever in any danger the police are only a call away. Moreover, I am also able to live a good life and accomplish a degree because of the many colleges, jobs and opportunities given. My environment offers an abundant of hospitals, safety, entertainment, and