Personal Narrative-Running From Death

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Pages: 5

Running from Death

My brother burst through the door of our small house, blue eyes wide and sweat running down his forehead.
“It`s here! The plague is here, in Florence!” he declared.
My mother gasped and clutched my younger sister`s shoulders in terror and worry. We`d heard of the disease in faraway lands and had prayed it wouldn`t come to Italy. God must have not heard our pleas.
“Where is Rodolfo, Aidan?” I ask my older sibling. Worry for my beloved overwhelming me. “Worry not, sister. He is well. Did you not expect him to want to warn his own family?” he assures me while my father gives me a look of irritation at my pointless worrying.
There is a rapping at the door and we all jump. My heart leaps but I push down my hope for he would
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I come with grave news,” rings out my beloved`s voice though there is a grimness too it that makes my skin crawl.
Father opens the door but halts Rodolfo when he tries to come in. “what is the news? If you have been near any infected people, you must leave!”
Rodolfo flinches and backs away from the door, “yes. My brothers have fallen ill already. Mother was starting to show signs as I entered the threshold. Father pushed me out instantly. They are doomed but I was not touched by any of the diseased.”
My heart cries out for his dying family but I feel relief that he did not suffer the same fate. Turning to my father I tense knowing he will not want him to
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I volunteer to go and buy them, Aidan stands beside me and declares he will help as well. Dion starts crying and whimpering, saying she knows we`re going to get the disease if we go out there. Mother comforts her, but her blue eyes are filled with worry as Father moves us towards the door. He hugs us then wishes us a safe travel.
At the last second, Rodolfo slips out the door and walks beside me in silence. After a while, he speaks,” would you mind if we stopped by the physician? There may be a cure…” his voice is desperate but his brown eyes show no signs of having hope.
Aidan looks hesitant. “We really should get back as soon as possible. Who know how many diseased gather around the Doctor`s house already.”
I look from black haired Rodolfo to my brown haired brother. “If we don’t at least try then they will be condemned to death. There might be a cure and we can`t risk not knowing of it!” I declare.
Without much more thought I walk purposely in the direction of the Doctor`s large house. He has been heavily rewarded for helping the sick and his purse is full to the brim.
The men start to follow when we hear an angry shout.
It comes from the direction I was so eager to walk towards a second ago. The voice is vaguely familiar but I can tell by how Aidan and Rodolfo tensed that it`s someone they