She was yelling for my dad when he came to get us to leave since he thought she lost her mind. We left the house and drove to the hospital; we ran so many red lights because that was my mothers trigger color. We got to the hospital and it got worse. She started screaming in the car saying that the doctors were going to hurt her and that they were aliens. I've never been so scared for someone in my life. My brother and I sat in what looked like an interrogation room for about two hours before a doctor came in to tell us that she was okay. My dad wouldn't talk about what happened to my mom until we got home. He sat both my brother and I down to talk. As we talked we ended up walking through the house only to find about 100 hand drawn Christian crosses on the walls and ceilings. All my mom wanted to do was protect us, the family, from her negative thoughts. The impact of schizophrenia is extremely strong. Over the first four years, everything was different. We didn't have a second income, nor did I really have a mom anymore. She slept all day, woke up for meals and showers then went back to