Personal Narrative: Teresa's School Of Dance

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Pages: 6

“Smile girls! It’s time for another annual Christmas parade!” my dance instructor stated. Christmas lights, carols, and candy. Many states and their cities have annual Christmas parades. One particular city is Martinsville, Virginia who has had them for over twenty years. These parades put many in the spirit of the holidays and is a chance for businesses to advertise. Dancing is one of many entertaining activities an individual can do as a hobby or even competitively. Although, competition can make many feel inferior to one another. Martinsville, Virginia has had annual Christmas parades for a very long time, and my dance studio participates in most all of them. My studio, Teresa’s School of Baton and Dance, has been participating for over …show more content…
One by one, each girl in the competition team was lined up. “Wow they must suck if they are in the back,” a young little brunette girl said as she giggled under her breath. Sami and I cut her a sharp stare and continued to follow the end of the line. We began to wonder why the competition teams were being treated more special than the noncompetition students. “Breanna, this isn’t right. Why is she all of a sudden treating the competition girls better than us?” Sami asked. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “ Honestly, I do not know. She hasn’t done this before. It has always been by years of completion of dance.” Sami gave me a perplexed look and said, “ Well if that was still being used here, we would be one of the girls in the front. Just like Samantha, Jordan, or Alexius.” Teresa made her way to Sami and I then put us as the starting line of the noncompetition students. Little girls in the competition teams began to giggle at us, and make rude comments under their breath. “She is older than me and is in the little kid group,” a little blonde girl said to her friend while looking at me. The comments began to take a toll on me and I finally said, “Sami, I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I love doing this parade, but this year isn’t the same. I feel as if I am not as good as of a dancer as the other