Personal Narrative: The Georgia Tech Lorraine Program

Words: 1013
Pages: 5

Let me start off with the fact that my hometown is a long way away from Atlanta. About 4,400 miles away actually. What surprises most people, though, is not the distance, but the place itself: Honolulu, Hawaii. Whenever someone finds out about where I’m from, they always react with two things. First, they exclaim how interesting it is to meet someone all the way from Hawaii and about how nice it must be to live there. Almost immediately after, they would always ask the question, “Why Georgia Tech?” My answer to that question is the same reason why I am interested in the Georgia Tech Lorraine program: to get out of my comfort zone.
The decision to attend Georgia Tech was one that took me a long time to figure out. Even my parents were split on which colleges they would prefer me going to. Most Hawaii kids end up staying at home or going to the West Coast for college. Either way, they end up going somewhere close to home. It’s the most popular path. The most comfortable one. It was the path I almost took.
It was only a matter of time before I came to the realization that comfortability often leads to complacency, a pattern I picked up through both high school sports and classes. The greatest improvements in character come when you are forced to deal with the uncomfortable. When something isn’t clicking, you strive to make it
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Taking part in the program will allow me to get a better understanding of Europe itself. This might not impact decisions such as where I’ll live after college, but it may very well impact my future career. My experience at GTL would be extremely helpful for a company based in the United States that is trying to better their relationship with certain countries in Europe. The program might also expose me to different practices related to either Mechanical Engineering or just productivity in general. Both benefits would be great, wherever my future career