Lively music blared through the speakers, which set the scene for a festive Christmas party. Even though almost everyone was sweating and working hard, each person radiated the spirit of the holidays. As I watched, I intently analyzed how each performer executed the steps perfectly, yet made it look effortless. However, one dance had always stuck out in my mind: the dance of the soldier doll. It began as the powerful music swelled, and my attention was drawn across the room to what gave me the impression of an energetic robot. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Drosslemyer, a wizard-like character with magical abilities, act as if he was controlling the dancer with magic. I was bewildered about how she was able to take on the persona of an inanimate object, yet become alive and captivate the audience. Quickly, I found myself in a trance-like state as my eyes locked onto the graceful ballerina with outstretched muscular legs as she leaped around the perimeter of the room. From that point forward, I made it my goal to become the soldier