Personal Narrative: The Plague In Everyday Life

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Pages: 7

Hi! I am Angelos, and I am ten years old. I live in Athens, Greece. The year is 420 BCE. Life has not been easy lately—there has been a devastating plague which has wiped out about a quarter of our Athenian population (Littman 456). My father died in the plague a few years ago in 424 BCE. In fact, many people died. I also lost my aunt and two cousins to the plague. Somehow, my mother, my sister, and I survived. It seemed that the plague was starting to go away because I noticed that all of us boys were starting to play games again. I had missed the times when we would play that new game of hockey, and was happy that we were back at it . One of my favorite things about playing with all of the boys is that the girls are not even allowed to watch us since we play naked (“Ancient Greek Everyday Life”). But, one of the best things about the plague being over is that my schooling has resumed in full. I am being educated by my mother’s brother. This is because my dad died and we boys in Athens are educated by our fathers after we turn age 7 (“Ancient Daily Life”). My mother did a great job teaching me up until the age of 7, but now I learned from a man for the past three years. Today is a pretty normal day in my life… My good friend, Maximos, got into a bit …show more content…
I watched the smoke from his chimney and thought about how nice it was not to cook outside like most of the people in our city (“Ancient Daily Life”). The yummy food that my mother and her slaves made caused me to think of abandoning Maximos and running back home for some wheat bread, which was a luxury for us, and some goat’s milk and cheese ( We always ate breakfast as sunrise, but this morning I had not eaten enough (
Maximos’ mother suddenly emerged from her gynaeceum, which was her master bedroom (“Ancient Daily Life”). She saw me and looked surprised.
“Angelos! What are you doing standing in my