Personal Narrative: The Princess And The Frog, Tiana

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Pages: 4

In the iconic Disney film, The Princess and the Frog, Tiana, a young girl from New Orleans, works hard to achieve her goals. She is faced with the fact that life isn’t always going to be simple. She works hard not only to benefit herself, but to benefit others by opening a restaurant. Similarly, I went on a mission trip to help benefit a poor town near Columbus, Ohio. In the beginning, the goal was to help change other lives. By the end, it helped change me as well.
Our original plan was to go to a soup kitchen at The Ohio State University. Unfortunately, a sudden change of plans occurred, which, in of itself, is a life lesson showing that plans change and there is nothing we can do about it. Instead, we went to a church. As soon as we walked
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I walked over to the pastor and began talking to him. He asked me how I was doing. I replied, “I’m fine.”. I enjoyed talking to him because he was a very relatable and enthusiastic person. He was a great role model for me. He cared very much for his community and all of the people living in it and was willing to help out in any way he could. He then surprised me by asking, “So Hannah, do you ever do anything like this around where you live?” I will always remember how my face turned red, like a tomato, when I answered no. It was mortifying, but this conversation inspired me to begin helping more in my own community.
We continued to help until a lady stopped us. I will always remember her words and how they made me glow with pride. She said, “Y’all should be very proud of what you are doing today! From me and from the entire community, thank you! It makes me feel safe and secure to know that these are the people who are taking over our society in the next few years.” Every miniscule bit of grueling work was made worth it in order to hear that one statement. I learned that I can almost always feel this same accomplishment when I now help around my own