They had an entire party planned out: we played games, ate food, roasted marshmallows, sang songs. We even relaxed in Emma’s hot tub. It was extremely successful and I was eternally grateful for each of them.
However, there was a downside to it all, and that was the reason they were throwing the party to begin with: I was moving away. We were all devastated, I especially. They had truly shown me their loyalty, friendship, and love, and now I would have to leave them behind. A few months later, I flew from the cozy, mountain town of Conifer, Colorado to the miniscule, tropical island of Kwajalein. It was a difficult transition, and one could say I didn’t adjust very well. At first. I didn’t make new friends nearly as well as I thought I would. Granted, there were only about 100 students in the whole school, from grades 7-12, so I didn’t have many options. However, I did eventually make a couple