Personal Narrative: The United Voices 4 Change Club

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Pages: 3

When signing up for clubs, I looked into the main mission each one had. Helping around the school, raising awareness and fundraising are a few factors that I took into consideration. But with one club in particular, I noticed it had everything I was looking for. Although, it meant socializing. I’d like to consider myself a quiet leader with large goals. I don’t usually listen to what others need to say when it comes to projects because I have my mind set a certain way and I feel as if other people’s comments would throw everything off. But, I knew I had to stop doing that if I wanted to become a part of the United Voices 4 Change Club. The United Voices 4 Change Club is exactly what you would think it is; a club where voices unite in order to create change. I attended the first meeting and I was amazed at the diverse group of kids that showed up. Not only were kids from my school involved in this club, but kids from other schools from all over the district were involved too. At the time, I wasn’t familiar with the students from my school that were there. …show more content…
In my group, I was the only student from my school, meaning I didn’t know anyone else. I began to notice that each one of my group members were different from the others. Different races, nationalities, genders, religions, etc. I don’t think I’ve ever been at a table that was so diverse. At first, I wondered how difficult it would be to interact with each other, in which it was very difficult. We each received an index card and wrote down our school name, age, and what our dream job would be. Once we finished writing that information down, we closed our eyes and passed our cards around to someone else. not knowing who had our card. The purpose of this activity was to see based on our looks who the card belonged to. In the end, nobody got their first attempt at guessing correct. We then went around the table and read out loud what our goals