Personal Narrative: Who I Am Today

Words: 611
Pages: 3

From the second you’re born to your last breath, life gives you a journey to complete. Whether it is a journey to see who you are or where you’ll end up, there’s always a bump on the road. Going through high school the last three years, I’ve experienced many adventures and events that brought me to who I am today. Specifically, the loss of a loved one has greatly impacted me and pushed me to a new beginning. It was the start of my junior year as I was sitting on my bed studying for my math test, when I randomly got distracted. My mom’s phone began ringing-her brother, my uncle, was calling. With my uncle living in Jordan and him calling around eleven at night his time, I was a little suspicious. As soon as my mom picked up the phone, she dropped to the ground crying out rivers. This is when everything hit me: my aunt, my mom’s sister, passed away. My heart raced as I was terrified …show more content…
Being the only sibling to my sister, I began spending time with her and and my family more. Through the tears of laughter and sorrow as a family, we bonded over the little objects in life we never noticed before. We grew together and developed an unbreakable bond, knowing we would always be there for eachother. Beyond my time with family, I began to perceive the importance of friends and their impact on my life as well. Having friends to be there for me as I was in mourning helped me realize the importance of having someone there for you. I began listening to my friends and helping them overcome obstacles, making them receive the happiness they deserve. Through the loss of my aunt, I became more observant of people around me and my passion in always being the shoulder to lean on for support and struggles along the way. With this, I’ve become a person with an open heart, a person who admires the love of others and their ability to be