I have seen how having an education can change people's lives. My dream of college started when I was young, as did my passion for the medical field. I have a cousin with autism who grew up in a home where he was physically abused. My own experiences with epilepsy, in addition, to seeing my cousin in this type of home situation, has helped me decide that pursuing the field of pediatrics was for me.* I would like to start my college career in the field of paramedics then work to achieve my goal of pediatric nursing. I am hopeful that college will influence and change my life for the better. Then in turn, I can pay it back to someone else in need. College is expensive, so I hope to acquire scholarships to help me pay for my tuition. I feel this scholarship will help me because an Associates of Applied Science will help me further my education and achieve my childhood dream. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this essay. It means so much to me to even qualify for the scholarship. The time and consideration of your board of trustees is much