Using the I Do-We Do-You Do strategy: Modeled, shared, Interactive, Guided, Independent.
Modeled scaffolding is the I DO strategy, the teacher gives examples on fluent reading and writing, explains, shows strategies of reading and writing, and procedure for a literacy activity.
Shared scaffolding is the We Do strategy. The teacher is still showing how to do things, takes the initiative, but the student can intervene when feels comfortable. Students can practice reading on their own to gain confidence and feel successful.
Interactive reading and Writing instead is We Do-You Do strategy. The child is actively participating in activities, can apply and share reading, phonics, and spelling skills to the class. Teacher intervene if necessary.
The Guided Reading and writing are still in the We Do-You Do strategy, but less than it was in the interactive reading. The teacher may use Mini-lessons, and collaborative books to guide the student in the writing process.
The Independent reading and writing scaffolding is the You-Do strategy, but with a little support from the teacher. The student is independent and capable to write and