One of the biggest winter sporting events is the Winter Olympics. The Olympics take place every four years. Participants take part in several different sports all exclusive to snow and ice. Some examples include skiing, figure skating, and the luge. These sports …show more content…
These games, like the Winter Olympics, include events exclusive to snow and ice. Athletes compete for top medals and cash prizes. However, unlike the Winter Olympics, the events are centered around non-traditional sports such as ski superpipe and snowboarding. Mixed with rock venues and parties, the Winter X-Games provide both spectator and the athlete with a memorable experience.
The winter weather is the best time to go outside, even if you are not an athlete. People young and old can enjoy snowball fights, snow-fort building, skiing, snowboarding, and even ice and snow sculpture creating! Of course, the most popular activity is sledding. The winter gives everyone, regardless or age and ability, an opportunity to get active and relax.
Finally, the winter ushers in a time to feast and relax. The most iconic meals, Thanksgiving and Christmas, are eaten during winter weather. Roasted meats, festive desserts, and warm drinks are all part of the winter. The amazing food ties into winter’s general festivity and celebration of the cold and