Persuasive Essay: Drones Invasion Privacy

Words: 170
Pages: 1

You should think twice about buying a drone. Here’s Why? Drones are an unmanned vehicle that invades your privacy and they put other people’s lives in danger, including yours. There is no doubt, drones are bad. Drones are harmful and bad. More than 380 people have died from, drones, Move casualties for no reason. Some may say, “what a fun new gadget.” Drones do have a fun quality. Yes, they’re fun, but safety is much more important than “fun”. Drones can be harmful in some situations. Even though drones are fun they have killed innocent people and invade privacy. Drones have killed and invaded privacy. In addition to killing people, they have also invaded privacy. Drone’s invading privacy is a common issue. People with drones have easy access