There is two things that should never meet and that is your trigger level and your tolerance level. The trigger level is when alcoholism starts to take place. Then tolerance level is how many drinks you have until you start to feel it. However, if these two things do meet you might have the disease known as alcoholism and you will lose what is important to you. All that will matter is fueling …show more content…
A 12 oz beer contains 4-5% alcohol a 1 oz shot contains 50% alcohol and a 4 oz glass of wine contains 12% alcohol.
Therefor, if you have 6 and your buddy has 5 drinks and he chuges his five down in under a minute and you have one every five minutes who is more impaired. if you guessed yourself because you have more you are incorrect your buddy is more impaired. You might have had more but since you waited longer before each drink you became impaired slower. Your buddy had them in under a minute the faster you drink the faster you will get impaired.
There are five steps of Risk Reduction I will inform you about three of them. Step 1 is to read the signs if you have parents or grandparents with alcoholism, Strong family history with alcoholism, and if you have a high tolerance to alcohol. Step 2 is know the guidelines check if you have the signs if you show no signs you should be good and not drink. If you have parent or grandparent with alcoholism or a high tolerance to alcohol have 0-2 drinks daily and you will be safe. If you have parent or grandparent with alcoholism and a high tolerance to alcohol or Strong family history my recommendation for low-risk choice is abstinence. Step 3 is adjust for difference like if you have a small body size, if female, young or old, if you have an empty stomach, if you are sick or sleepy if you are in high altitude, and