Persuasive Essay On Asylum Seekers

Words: 1236
Pages: 5

A United Nations report shows that the number of refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people worldwide has reached and exceeded 50 million for the first time since World War II. “Doesn't the world see the suffering of millions of Palestinians who have been living in exile around the world or in refugee camps for the past sixty years? No state, no home, no identity, no right to work. Doesn't the world see this injustice?” (Ismail Haniyeh). There are more than forty-five million Palestinian refugees all around the world, They are exiled in many places including Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Syria. (Refugee Weekly). Asylum seekers are typically stripped of basic rights and have absolutely no access to legal advice. Along with …show more content…
Australia hosts over 34,000 refugees. Australia is also part of the .3 percent of 11.7 million refugees under the UNHCR’s (UN Refugee Agency) mandate. The refugees, who were held in detention for over two and half years, were recognized as asylum-seekers who were not able to go back to their homes. However, the Australian Government declined to grant them visas (passports) on the grounds that they posed too big of a security risk. These 46 refugees, 42 being Tamils, were not told the reasons of why they were considered a security risk, therefore they could not arrange a legal challenge to their undetermined …show more content…
Venezuelan and Colombian guerilla organizations intervened in schools, carried out divorces, settled land disputes, controlled the movement of people in the area, determined the hours of operation of gas stations, and removed people from homes. Guerrillas assassinated opponents and intimidated the civilian population, especially in rural areas. Colombian groups also kidnapped people for payment and recruited child soldiers in Venezuela. Columbia is causing a lot of conflict with refugees and has been fighting for over the past year and a half in Southwestern and Eastern