Persuasive Essay On Body Cameras

Words: 649
Pages: 3

There is an average of 390 Americans killed a year by police. There should be body cameras on every officer at all times in order to reduce injuries and deaths. Consequences should be made to any cop who does this unnecessary punishment. Police should be monitored of their actions at all times. Americans need to be given the feeling of safety in the streets. Not uneasiness of the people who should be our protectors. In order to do this then we have to get better cops in the streets to get the feeling of safety. There should be consequences to unjust police brutality in any case an officer does unnecessary cruelty. If they still choose not to obey that rule and harass people then then should lose their jobs. Depending on how much the offense was they should do time in jail especially if the brutality outcomes in murder. Any punishment would be great to diminish this because if the police around America see this they will think twice about what they are doing. Which will lead to safer streets of police brutality. “There were 1,149 people killed alone in 2014 by police attacking civilians”. “The likelihood that a black male would be killed by police is twice as likely for a white male to be killed by police.” …show more content…
If at anytime the camera is cut off, then they should go under investigation.Nevertheless, if they do choose to still harass someone, then there will be evidence. Once the other cops around America witness it, then the cops will be cleaner.”In 2015 alone, there were 67 Latinos killed by acts of police brutality which is a fourth of races killed by police.” In 2014 California led the number for the state with the most deaths caused by