Charter school funding is based on a per pupil formula, calculated uniquely in each state’s charter school legislation. Pennsylvania is one of only three states that do not use a school finance formula to distribute funding to individual districts. Having a formula would almost certainly provide Philadelphia with a larger share of state funding than it receives under the current system, which does not account for …show more content…
Through interviews with parents it was determined that when choosing schools African American parents wanted schools that taught moral values. The Hispanic parents that were interviewed indicated that good discipline was the most important factor in school choice. Caucasian parents cited test scores as the most important considerations in choosing a school for their child p. 96. There are fewer charter schools in middle and affluent neighborhoods because their educational needs are being met in their current schools. If a parent feels that their school district is not able to meet their needs they will either move or advocate for their child’s needs to be met. They have choices and options that are not available to the average urban