According to the 2014 Gallup poll, 47% of American adults keep at least one gun at home or on their property. Although, anti-gun control activists justify that it is used for safety, the majority of gun holders have never shot or used their gun in an emergency type situation. Guns require sufficient amount of training to use them properly in an emergency situation. CNN conducted a study of 160 active shooting incidents between 2000-2013 on how the shootings ended. 44% of the time, the shooter killed himself, 38% law enforcement officers retained the shooter, 14% of unarmed citizens retained the shooter, and 4% of armed citizens exchanged gunfire. If an average armed citizen exchanges fire without proper training puts themselves and all the other people around in more danger. A study in the Journal of Trauma found that every time a gun in a home was used for self-defense, there were 4 four accidental shootings, homicides and suicides. The question arises, “are guns more dangerous than useful’? Gun control activist, Tom Mauser expresses “If strict gun control was the norm, the federal government could have a much easier time curtailing the average citizens access to weapons, and people would finally understand that having guns around them ultimately puts them in more