For example, police brutality is steadily increasing and is mostly male white Caucasians shooting innocent black citizens. 1170 people were killed in 2016 and it increased slightly to 1191 in 2017. However, the most disturbing is the fact that an American citizen is killed every seven hours, and 90% of these killings are to citizens and a slender 1% to cops, most in self-defense. And if this issue does not reside, that victim could be you. Plus, 98% of shootings do not result in discipline to the cop. Another reason that this is an issue that needs to be recognized by the president is because he does not understand how big of an issue this is. He constantly Tweets his condolences to the people who are murdered, but what good is that going to do if that is the only thing he is going to do? Since Trump was sworn in on January 20, 2017, there have been 80 school shootings as I write this (). Trump has not even tried to pass gun laws or standards that need to be achieved to obtain a gun. Instead, he just sits behind his phone, on Twitter