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Why would we add another huge bullet point to the national and personal to-do list? If the united states were to reopen the Golden Door to hundreds of thousands of war-torn refugees what would happen to us?. The effects Middle Eastern refugees will have on the American economy will make it harder for its citizens to achieve and pursue their Natural Rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This will be caused by the increase of unskilled and uneducated people in our country. The majority of the refugees would end up on the streets or living off of government subsidies which is a major contributor to the rapid increase of national debt. The same thing is happening in Europe, and many of their once prospering nations and cities are becoming overwhelmed by the costs of supporting these refugees. At at the same time many of these European countries have experienced job losses for their own citizens due to a faltering economies which puts even more pressure on their public services and the tensions of their own citizens. This same fate is lurking around the corner for America if they make the wrong