Persuasive Essay On Right To Bear Arms

Words: 759
Pages: 4

Every so constantly, news of heinous crime reaches our ears over the internet, newspaper, or television. The Aurora Shooting that occurred during the midnight champion of the Batman movie horrified and terrified many citizens, and the Sandy Hook Elementary School fishery caused cries of spasm and anger. Why would these people commit such a terrifying act? Could we have prevented such disasters from happening? What if gun control laws have been stricter, would such crimes likewise have happened? The law is difficult to change especially since the Right to Bear Arms is the second amendment of our constitution, the supreme law of our nation, that has been far and wide two hundred years. Now the question is, at which point do we punish these people, …show more content…
Or was it through rewarding the penalty behaviors? Most people speculate that punishment is literally effective because they consider it in everyday situations whether it is firing employees at the workplace for disorderly conduct or scolding children for trying to require a toy from another child. Punishment is a approach of deterring negative behavior that has been passed entire through generations. Punishment is effective to subdue disagreeable behavior, and it is usually painful, physically or psychologically, so people tend to avoid punishment. Punishment further enables people to condition responses so that associations between behavior and positive or negative reinforcement will supervise to an ad hoc response to avoid such punishment.
The effectiveness of punishment depends on part of factors: Frequency of punishment, immediacy of punishment, and positive reinforcement on positive or valuable behavior. However punishment may also have earnest negative effects if not carried out properly. Such effects include avoidance or conceal, culture shock of the punished, aggressiveness, and reimplementing punishment in the punished. So what draws the fine line between effective punishments and detrimental