These test are done in the late winter which is a time that we have a lot of snow days. We need more school days before the tests than after, and if we miss a day without E-learning we will have to make it up at the end of the year when we don’t need it. With the program we could still get the much needed work done before the test, and we might even be able to get better scores. This essay just stated how E-learning days can help us on our Istep+/Achievement test. Finally this essay will talk about how kids aren’t focused in the summer. If you add a day to the end of the year kids aren’t going to pay attention because they are just worried about playing outside, and they are eager to get out of school. Once the summer rolls around the students look out windows and think about what they want to do after school while paying no attention to the teacher teaching them. It has been proven that kids just aren’t as focused at the end of the year. This essay just discussed how kids aren’t focused in the