Persuasive Essay On Veterans Returning Home

Words: 956
Pages: 4

Let’s say you’ve been working in your specified field for years. You want to advance in your company, but the only way to do so is to have a college degree. You tried that once, right out of high school, and due to the cost of tuition and trying to work and pay your bills you realized that you’ve have to take classes part time. Part time classes put you in a situation where you weren’t able to access the resources you needed to succeed. Professors were only holding office hours during the times you worked and most other college resources were also only available during those times as well. Looking at your perceived success rate, and the time it would take to complete your degree, you decided to drop out. Mostly because your financial aid would run out before you were able to complete all the required courses. That would be a real sticky situation right? You want to succeed in your classes, but the resources aren’t available. You want to move up in your company and make more money, but you have to have that degree. You can’t stop working to take a heavier class load because you need to pay your bills.
The standard way of thinking today is that when you start college later in
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According to the Center for Adult and Experiential Learning report titled Duty, Honor, Country…& Credit “Often their formal training has involved considerable time, effort, and performance testing.” (12) These military students usually have many skills that could place them in well paying, highly respected careers. Due to the fact that they don’t hold actual degree certificates, most of these vets are left without the resumes to actually attain these jobs. For example, a soldier working as a medic in the battlefield can do the same job as an EMT, but is unable to get that job unless they go to school to re-learn what they already