Persuasive Essay: Rocking Sweet Sugar Treats !

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Pages: 4

Persuasive Essay: Sweets in School
Rocking Sweet Sugar Treats!
Girls, how would you feel if you woke up one morning and the government told you you could only wear dresses and skirts? Boys, how would you feel if the government told you your hair had to be a certain color or you can only play soccer and no other sports you relish? Yes, it’s H-O-R-R-I-F-Y-I-N-G! I would hate to wear dresses and skirts everyday because I wear sneakers and nike jackets, not sparkly, pink, shining skirts and dresses. Just like in these ridiculous scenarios, schools and the government are trying to take away sweet treats from schools! What is going through their mind? Why would they want to take a childhood away from children and destroy lives? Since kids aren’t allowed to eat sweets in school, then the government and parents are not allowed to eat sweets either! If Bill Clinton can eat Big Macs from McDonald’s, then children are allowed to eat McDonald’s too. Cafeterias
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For example, students will work extra hard to get candy which means students will bring home outstanding grades and parents will be delighted and proud of their child’s grades. In addition, learning to make responsible decisions is part of growing up and that’s what schools try to teach students, especially when students are young. Teachers try to convince children to make positive decisions with S-W-E-E-T T-R-E-A-T-S! Also, if you work at a job and you didn’t get paid, would you work at the job without getting rewarded? That’s exactly what it’s like for students receiving candy from teachers, candy is just like money for children, but sweeter. Candy and other sweets pull children to get motivated and work harder on their school work, just like how money pulls adults to work harder at their jobs. How would you feel if your child came home and didn’t want to go to school anymore because they weren’t inspired enough to