Persuasive Gun Control Essay

Words: 744
Pages: 3

Greetings, I am Xiang Ni from Stockbridge High School and today I am here to discuss the importance of gun control within American society. Each year there are around 106 people in the United States that die each year just from gun violence and within 2021 there are around 48,830 people that died due to gun related incidents which is around a 23% increase as compared to 2019.

There is a reason why gun control is so important to me since on the day of the Uvalde school shooting which happened on May 24, 2022 I was completely shocked that anyone would go into any school where many innocent children who have nothing to do with this horrendous tragedies were caught in the crossfire of this violence, committed by a person who was mentally unstable. As a result of this horrendous violence, 19 students and 2 teachers were fatally shot while 17 others survived with serious injuries.

Has America truly lost its ways in its gun culture that even the mentally unfit and criminals are able to hold a gun without consequences? Is the gridlock in politics ultimately the leading cause of all of these deaths and tragedies? Today I am here to answer all of these questions about why gun control needs to be at the center of our debate not only in the realms of politics but also to ensure the safety of our community, as well as to protect our
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This goes to prove that we cannot continue to have a lack of gun control legislation, since it has been statistically proven that gun control legislation is able to decrease the rate of firearms homicide and reduce gun deaths in the United