Persuasive Letter To Middle School

Words: 541
Pages: 3

Dear future 6th grade student, are you nervous about what’s going to happen in the 6th grade next year at the middle school? Well, you shouldn’t be nervous because I will be giving you a guide for what you should expect in the 6th grade at the middle school. First there is ICU, second you need to know how to manage your own time before class, third you have to listen, fourth there is a schedule, and finally you will have high expectations of you from your teachers. ICU is something that Simons Middle School takes really seriously. ICU is a program for work you didn't get finished on time. This is really important because you will lose fun activities like blitz day, field trips, and many more. You will usually go to a classroom during your electives. So be …show more content…
When you get to middle school, it is a huge change from how elementary school did things. You don’t go to the bathroom as a group anymore, you don’t go to lunch as a class, and your classes will be shorter. You only have 3 minutes between classes. You can also go to lunch in different mods. Those are like how you would go to lunch at different times at elementary school. Time management is also important for ICU because you need to get work done on time, so learn how to manage your time at middle school. Listen to your teachers, when you're in middle school, listening is a skill. The more you listen and be respectful to your teachers, the easier it will be for you. You also need to listen because if the teacher is giving instructions and you’re not listening, then you won’t know what’s going on and will get behind. So in all I would listen so I don’t get behind or in trouble. Schedules are important in middle school. In middle school, we had 8 periods in a day. These are classes that we have every day. 5th and 8th are elective classes. If you go up in your testing, you can either change those classes to something else or just stay in those