Hist 3320
December 08, 2011
Dr. Sanchez
The impact of Westernization under Peter the Great
The impact of Westernization under Peter the Great.
Virtually every aspect of Russia was affected by reforms during the reign of Peter the Great. His reforms were the most wide-spread ever to take place. Of all of the Czars Peter is one of the most visible and in Russian history.
The reforms and westernization of Peter the Great made Russia a more modern and stronger power in Europe under his rule and until his death in 1725. Peter was a powerful and forceful leader with a vision. He wanted to westernize Russia and bring the state to a more modern era in order to compete with Europe for goods and services. …show more content…
It created 14 classes of ranks and civilian positions. This was primarily for the top level position and did not reach the lower ranks\ positions however the Table of Rank remained functional until the 1917 revolution. The table of Ranks consisted of defining the formal ranking for the military, government, and royal elites. .
Peter the Great launched his movement of many reforms and quickly become evident that the military needed a more current structure, one similar to those in Western Europe that required him to re-organize the military. That was noteworthy for the nobility that were obligated to serve in the Russian army. He formed his army along the European lines, Peter the Great endeavored to simplify the transfers from one branch of service to another. He also established the precedence of the officials in civilian service and with the courts.
The Table composed of 14 chins called classes of ranks. The Table of Ranks included some 262-service titles. It was organized to restructure all military branches namely the Infantry, Cavalry, Guard, Artillery, Navy, civilian and court positions. The classes were numbered in ascending order from the highest rank to the lowest.
A proper system of addressing the ranks was also established. The Guards was a privileged core and was given higher classes of ranks than at equivalent rank in the other branches of the military.