Peterson Middle School Signature Assignment

Words: 1519
Pages: 7

Manjusha Karve
EDA 632
Assignment #3: Signature Assignment Professional Learning

At Peterson Middle School, student’s holistic development is part of its vision. We have Peterson Steering Committee(PSC) which is comprised of the department heads(leads) and meet once a month to talk about the issues at hand about instruction, curriculum, technology and student progress.We also have School Site Council(SSC) which also meets once a month and is comprised of parents, students, counselors and teachers. The SSC discusses the funding for SPSA, school climate and student progress. Also, on Early out Thursdays, Professional Learning Teams meet to work as a team on restorative practices, sharing of effective academic strategies, and also new things with technology.
All the learning teams agendas align with the vision and mission of Peterson and support student’s academic excellence and the personal, social and physical development.
Marian A. Peterson Middle School’s Vision and Mission Statements:
Peterson Middle School is dedicated to academic excellence and the personal, social and physical development of each student. Peterson students will have a positive self-image, respect others, communicate effectively, think critically and appreciate cultural diversity in an
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The goals address need to improve academic achievement, provide interventions for underperforming students, and work on improving school climate.The SPSA promotes the school vision. It also has school profile, achievement data and funding allocated towards each goal, LCAP and SARC goal alignment, action plan to reach each goal. Another report I looked at is the SARC-School Accountability Report Card. It is a report about the condition and performance of each school district in California. The data in LCAP has to be consistent with data in