Phantom Tollbooth Play Analysis

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Pages: 4

On February 25th, 2016, volunteers from Bert Bowes Middle School enacted a play from an original book called the “Phantom TollBooth.” Each volunteer produced an exceptional amount of talent and skill considering they have not yet met a professional trainer to guide them along the way. Both men and women improvised to create sets out of materials at their command with the help of minimal fundraiser funds giving an excellent final product for the audience.
“These amateur actors and producers have done their best to make: sets, to make events and highlights in the original book as close to the real-life equivalent, and to perfect their acting, humor and courage to perform in front of students across School District 60.”✔️
The Set✔
Half of the
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Together, they set the stage for the majority of the laughs and giggles that were the source of which the play’s popularity illuminated from! The first kind of humor that came out of Tock was mostly whacking the main characters with her tail and or taking items from the cast and toying with them making the audience laughing with content. Secondly, she purposely messed up the script a tiny bit in order to shove in one ounce of humor at a time, The actors of Tock and Milo were ingenuitive, but most of all they improvised like champs. The length of these highlights were spot on, as the cast enacted major events in the land of “The Lands …show more content…
The excellent thing that the actor nailed is that this character developed over time and warped progressively throughout the lands of his adventure. The secondary character “Tock” the watchdog, is found in the doldrums where Milo gets lost in the endless absence of triviality and colorful thought. The doldrums are inhabited by mysterious creatures that are without thought and procrastinate, sleep and neglect through the day and the night, but with the watchdog, the people of the doldrums are to able ponder and to keep up the perpetuation in their thoughts so the doldrums wouldn’t be shrouded in grey times. Milo meets Tock and together they set off to dictionopolis to meet the king Azaz. Azaz the king of words, letters, and everything that binds description and speech together. He rules over dictionopolis, with one objective: To keep his vexing, obnoxious, naïve, and frustratingly intelligent brother, The Mathemagician, King of Digitopolis out, of Dictionopolis. After they received an item from Azaz and talked about the princesses being stuck in the castle in the sky, they take milo’s car to Digitopolis where they meet and talk to the Mathemagician about the current crisis. The Mathemagician is