During my ambulatory care rotation I had the first hand experience of managing hypertensive patients and loved every aspect of the patient interaction. I quickly realized that through ease of access, pharmacists are able to monitor these patients more regularly and offer continuity of care. This is critical to improve health outcomes in patients that may need continual education and follow-up to ensure blood pressure control. With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the introduction of millions of new patients to the health care system, it is imperative that pharmacists utilize their clinical skills to help care for these patients and close the coverage gap. Monitoring blood pressure does not require labs, but rather proper patient education and consistent blood pressure measurements to ensure a patient is managed appropriately. It may take months for a patient to see his/her primary care physician, leading to a potential decline in the patient’s health. Access and cost associated with a physician follow-up is a huge barrier that exists for patients. Pharmacists can offset cost and undoubtedly optimize