Phenylketonuria Research Paper

Words: 529
Pages: 3

Phenylketonuria Even though Phenylketonuria is rare, please be aware! Phenylketonuria or as usually known as PKU is an innate disorder of metabolism that causes an increase in the blood of a substance recognized as phenylalanine. It is caused by the heredity of the human body and be diagnosed. However, PKU could be possibly found through symptoms such as mental retardation and other severe symptoms. Strict diets are also an example of treatments for PKU. The way PKU is diagnosed is through a test given to newborns called the Guthrie Screening Test. A genetic change is the source of phenylketonuria. If they do not have the appropriate enzyme to make Phenylalanine, it causes a build up with this amino acid. It can make a person with PKU that