When filling out the check list I would say the questions were mostly those that I think of in my head when I go to a meeting that is taking longer than 15 minutes. I usually do this because I almost always have a full schedule and do not like to waste time mainly because I think back to the old saying that time is money, and as a broke college kid I never want to waste money.
The meeting was very much so needed as we had some vacant officer positions, housing, and other bylaws to go over and vote on, and hearing the farewell speeches to be given by our seniors during their senior wills. As an organization like ours it is very important that we are able to meet weekly and …show more content…
He does this with the group and has them ask any questions and also asks for feedback as to things that should change and asks for suggestions, so everyone is clearly aware of things. Outside of that initial overall awareness, the chapter president or secretary will post usually a day or two prior to the meeting a reminder on our Facebook page letting brothers know some brief things to expect kind of like an agenda, like whether or not the meeting will last long, if we will be voting on anything, or if we will have a guest