How far was the success of the Philadelphia Convention due to shared ideals amongst the delegates?
The Philadelphia convention was a result of the “grand compromise” and was finally approved in 1787. It was based on a plan proposed by Roger Sherman of Connecticut which proposed an equal vote for each state in the upper house and proportional voting in the lower house. Source A outlines the plans which Madison had for USA. It conveys that there should be a bicameral legislature, and the national legislature should be granted representation in proportion to the population of inhabitants within each state. Source A slightly varies with source B, because source B is showing the main aims of the New Jersey plan, which was an alternative scheme in that, they would provide a unicameral legislature with each state having one equal vote. Source C implements the preparation that the delegates were able to enforce in order to come to an agreement.
There were many factors which suggested that the success of the Philadelphia Convention was due to shared ideals, and this is shown in Source C, where it outlines that the “delegates wanted their revolution to succeed forever” this enforces the fact that the men were men of reason and they would have tried to agree on a way to improve the constitution in order to make America a better country for their future. Source C also states that “each of them had to sacrifice some cherished belief or proposal before agreement was possible” which concisely reinforces that the delegates were ready to sacrifice their ideologies in order to come to an agreement, so this in itself shows that the Philadelphia Convention was a great success due to the shared ideals and being able to renunciation their ideas. Because they managed to agree that there would be 2 houses, and in the upper house there would be an equal vote for each state, whereas in the lower house there would be proportional voting which strongly outlines that the 2 opposing sides were able to bring together their ideas in order to form one great idea that still lasts today. Furthermore the Philadelphian Convention had delegates from men of the north, south, men from small states and large states, with extends the idea that due to shared ideals amongst the delegates, the Philadelphian convention was a success. In addition, because America had been through a lot of rough troubles with Britain, they had a strong national feeling towards this new country that was being created, and so the delegates wanted to ensure 100% that America was made much stronger and became a wealthier power around the world, and in order to ensure this, they would have had to adapt their ideas in order to meet most specifications of each delegate, and this is one of the large reasons why the Philadelphian Convention was successful.
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