Philip Schwartzerdt's Philipp Early Life

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Philipp Melanchthon was a German reformer, a humanist, he was also collaborator with Martin Luther. He was an intellectual leader of the Lutheran Reformation along with Martin Luther. Philip agreed with Martin Luther about the Reformation and the split of the Roman Catholic church. Philipp Melanchthon is not his real name his real name was Philip Schwartzerdt; Schwartzerdt was his mom and dad’s last name.

Philipp Early Life

On February 16,1497 Philip Melanchthon was born in Bretten, and his mother was Barbara Schwartzerd and his father was Georg Schwartzerd. Philip’s father Georg was an Armorer to Philip Count Palatine of the Rhine. In 1689 the town he was born in was burnt down to ashes by French troops during the war of the Palatinate Succession. After the war Philipp was sent to Latin school in Prorzheim in 1507 to be in a safer town where he could go to school safely. Not a life where he had be to be sacred of being killed walking home from school. Georg simler of Wimpfen introduced Philipp to Latin and Greek poets also Aristotle where he learned to love it . Philipp was influenced by his great-Uncial Johan Neuchlin a Renaissance humanist. Philipp’s went though a hard time he had his grandfather die on October 17 and his dad died 10 days later on
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Martin Luther wrought a recommendation for Philipp to teach at the University. Philipp’s great uncle wanted his great nephew to be a professor. Philipp took the call to be a teacher, Philipp was only 21 when he started to teach at the school. Philipp was working on the Study of scriptures when he was teaching. Philipp’s views where attacked by Johanna Eck because Johanna did not agree with Philipp on it. Philipp was granted the degree of bachelor of the theology then he was transferred over to the theological faculty where he wanted to be and so he worked to get to that point because he believed in