Photography Club Research Paper

Words: 783
Pages: 4

Photography club is one of the many extracurricular activities that Gulf Coast Charter Schools provides. It is one of the most visually appealing and aesthetic courses you can take during your middle school years. The photography club makes the school unique compared to other middle schools as Gulf Coast Charter Schools is the only middle school that gives the opportunity to do film photography. It is important to know that this club is very hands on, but is extremely rewarding and fun. This film photography club is potentially the only experience of film you can have during your lifetime. Janelle Rybka, an eighth grader at Gulf Coast Academy, said that photography was a great way to make new friends and was a creative outlet for her. Your first day of photography will be relatively laid back and you’ll watch a couple of videos introducing you to film photography and some tips to taking pictures. After you learn some of the basics you will be …show more content…
From your photos you will pick out your favorite two photos to present at the photography galleria. In my opinion picking out what photos I wanted to show was the hardest part. The photography galleria was a night where your friends and family can come to the school and see the work of you and your fellow peers. You get to show off your hard work and maybe at the end of the night you will get a certificate. Your friends and family get to see you go from knowing basically nothing to being able to shoot and develop your very own film. At the galleria you can see the work of the other photography students while enjoying some snacks and refreshments. At some point in the night you will probably see Mr. Barnes crying, he puts a lot of work and effort into the photography club and gets emotional seeing all of the talent and improvement in the