Physical Therapist Career

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Pages: 7

In order to become a physical therapist I must take what I learned from 7…. to

A career goal for me is to work in athletic training or physical therapy. It is a job that a would keep me active, and helping people recover from injuries. Also, it would help me leave East Jordan and move to another area of the state, hopefully Marquette. This career takes a long time to get, but it does pay pretty well most of the time. In physical therapy, I would get to help people with injuries, or limitations get back to normal performance. Doing this I think is not only in the medical field but the human services field. I known a couple of people that were physical therapists, and they seem pretty happy people. Also, I know that I would have to go to college for 8 or more years, but in the end I think that it would all be worth the long college trip. For this degree, I would
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A few were teacher, trainer, and a hygienist. Out of all of them, physical therapist stood out the most. A physical therapist falls in under the human services category because you help people recover from injuries. To become a physical therapist in Michigan you need a doctoral or professional degree. Once you get your doctoral degree, you must take the National Physical Therapy Examination. To do that, I would go to GVSU and get an athletic training degree, then I would stay and get a physical therapy degree. There are 250 multiple choice questions, but only 200 count. It is scored out of 800, and you must have a 600 to pass. This job you be a good fit because I would get to interact and help people. Also, I would not have to sit at a desk all day, but instead be on my feet helping people. It would also help me to become motivated to stay in shape. Classes that I am taking right now are chemistry, and you might need that. Also, when I am a senior, I plan to take Anatomy. I also plan to take strength and