Physician Assistant Case Study

Words: 458
Pages: 2

To whom it may concern.

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I write this letter recommending Kimberly Burnett for admission to the upcoming Physician Assistant program. I was fortunate to have Kimberly shadow me at my current position as a Physician Assistant subspecializing in pediatric neurology at Children’s Hospital of Orange County.

Early on, Kimberly expressed her interest in becoming a physician assistant and continued to seek insight and mentorship as she finished her undergraduate courses. Throughout this time, it was obvious that Kimberly is passionate about clinical medicine and has a deep enthusiasm to learn and expand her knowledge as it pertains to medicine as well as the profession.

Throughout her time with me, Kimberly was simultaneously taking classes at her local community college and working as a CNA at a skilled nursing facility, yet made it a point to arrive at our facility on time and with a notepad in hand. Her preparedness truly impressed me as she showed up every week with her own prior research on the cases we saw each day. Furthermore, she would come to me with thoughtful questions not only about our patients for the day, but would try to connect those cases to examples she previously witnessed in the clinic or learned about in her lectures at school. It was through these interactions I was able to
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This dedication to her community demonstrates her compassion and understanding of socioeconomic barriers inhibiting access to care, which are characteristics I believe make an excellent physician assistant. Her background as a CNA also fosters a better understanding of healthcare, as it has allowed her to develop communication skills while working with a healthcare team, thereby prioritizing collaboration to provide the best care for each