Piggy is the type of boy who is highly educated, a very logical thinker. He thinks of the how’s and why’s in a situation. From the minute the boys landed on the island he knew they weren’t going to be rescued soon when all the others believed they were. In that sense Piggy was already preparing himself for their stay on the island before the other boys were. Piggy also is the one who found the conch and came up with the rule of holding the conch to be able to speak. This is a great rule because when this rule is put into place people can’t talk over each other, which leads to things getting done faster. He also loves to help to get things accomplished. For example, when the boys went out to hunt for food nobody wanted to look after the “littuns” and Piggy spoke up and said he would watch them. He took leadership. Even though it might not be the greatest task or job he did it anyways. Piggy knowing of his physical vulnerability let the others hunt for the food. Last but not least, Piggy is very kind hearted. Throughout this book there is not any mean spirited actions come from Piggy. Even though he gets made fun of for wearing glasses, and having asthma and even being a little bit more pudgy from the rest. Piggy comes above the childish behavior making him the bigger person and more adult