Pillar Of Today Research Paper

Words: 730
Pages: 3

The most important pillar in today’s society is courage. Courage is the ability or strength to withstand fear and danger in order to preserve one’s beliefs and morals in a time of hardship. This pillar is so important because people can be great individuals, know the difference between right and wrong, be tolerant, kind, etc. ; however, in an instance of fear and danger they suddenly lose all of those traits that make them a good person and fail to be an individual of strong character. Therefore, having courage is the most important trait in today’s society because many live in an environment where they are scared to be people of good character due to the fact that it infringes upon the laws of the area they live in or the popular belief in …show more content…
Tolerance is the respect, or sympathy of belief's, practices, or cultures that are different than one's own. There are an immense amount of examples within society of the intolerance and unacceptance of various people all over the world, specifically minorities. A big example of the tolerance that is missing in society is in the LGBTQ community. Even with the laws passed that allow same-sex marriage, people still are extremely intolerant and unaccepting of who others love. They try to infringe upon these individuals rights and not allow them to enter stores, verbally and physically abuse them, and protest against them. This is a prime example of the intolerance within society, and just how much this pillar is missing in the country. In addition, the Islamic culture is a big example of the intolerance of beliefs. People in today's society are intolerant of the practices of an entire culture based on the judgment and stereotyping of it. Ever since the 9/11 attacks, people have blamed an entire race for it rather than just the terrorists who were responsible for the crime. This causes a great resistance to the beliefs of the Muslims rather than the sympathy and support of